The Buttery Blog

Everything's better with butter.

Figs: Not Just for Newtons July 2, 2009

Filed under: health/diet,Sandwiches,Vegetarian — butteryblog @ 12:52 am
Gettin' figgy with it.

Gettin' figgy with it.

One of my spring resolutions is to eat at least one serving of fresh fruit a day, so when I went to the grocery store and saw a pint of figs, I grabbed them. I’ve always like figs: beautiful color and sweet, mild flavor. They make great jam, stirring poetry, and fine newtons. But my favorite way to eat them is in an open-faced sandwich. The recipe originally comes from Martha Stewart Living. I added some lemon zest on top to add a little tartness and also because I have a lot of lemons. Enjoyed as a part of lunch or a quick snack, you won’t believe that something so sweet could be so healthy.

Serves 6

  • 1 1/4 cups fresh Ricotta cheese
  • 10 (1/3 inch thick) slices rustic bread (I used sprouted whole wheat, which I’d never had before and turns out is quite delicious and full of fiber)
  • 4 teaspoons fresh thyme leaves (I skipped this; thyme and I are in a fight right now)
  • Coarse salt and freshly ground pepper (Do not omit the pepper–it makes ALL the difference)
  • 10 fresh green or red figs, cut into 1/4-inch-thick wedges
  • Honey, for drizzling


Spread the ricotta over each bread slice. Sprinkle each with thyme, and season with salt and pepper. Arrange figs on top, dividing evenly among the slices. Drizzle honey over the figs, and serve immediately.


♥Lady Butterbuns